UGA 4450 Class: Diffusion of Innovations Annotated Bibliographies
Senior level undergraduates in my Emerging New Media class were asked to do this assignment, including posting it here with or without their names.
Academic journal articles are the best for this assignment.
Diffusion of Innovations Bibliography Pairs Assignment
Post your alphabetized, annotated bibliography as a comment in response to this posting.
You were already to have found 5 bibliographic entries for the diffusion of innovations as applied to a new/emerging media technology before class January 16, and posted them to WebCT via Please help each other out. That is the older, assignment one.
From your pairing up with one other individual in class, combine your APA Style articles and find 10 more diffusion of new communication technologies articles (in class January 16). This gives 20 total between the 2 of you. Please order them alphabetically as demonstrated in the APA Style book (there are many free guides online for APA style*). Convert your biblio into an annotated bibliography by including the article abstract or summary. This will be found at the beginning of the article or in a library database from which you found (or can re-search by going online).For grading purposes, post your text as a comment to this posting.
*See and for APA style help. See for an example of how to do annotated bibliographies. Remember, academic journal articles are the best for this assignment.
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