Ubiquitous Video
One thing broadcast television holds over cable and satellite (so far) is that broadcast television is "wireless." Sounds a little funny considering "wireless" is "cool" today and wired means tethered. In what I would assume will cause some local government officials to crack down on it, video screens (already in family SUVs and minivans) and moving into the front seat. Yes, think of the radio dial being replaced by a video screen.
You haven't heard about it? Well, yours truly did a participant observation for the holiday selling season at a leading consumer electronics store and, despite the high price, people were adding them on. Now, of course, they can be factory installed and represent a huge markup on the overall cost of the vehicle (great for the company, embraced by parents who wish to distract their kids from a long drive).
Oh, just while I'm thinking about it, don't be surprised to see the "Minority Report" interface sooner rather than later. There's always money in the defense department to make technologies like this succeed.
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