
Steven Bellman, Anika Schweda, and Duane Varan (2005)

This is a repeat of an earlier posting but because of the reverse chronological order of the blog, I am reposting it here. Steven Bellman, Anika Schweda, and Duane Varan (2005) presented a paper with 5 proposed Research Questions. I asked my upperclass interactive television class to attempt to address the research questions the authors from Murdoch University proposed:

Interactive Television Advertising: A Research Agenda
This paper was presented to the ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Advertising/Marketing Communication Issues and is co-authored by Steven Bellman, Anika Schweda, and Duane Varan of Murdoch University in Western Australia.The paper is available at more than one location online, but was accessed 17 September 2007 from http://smib.vuw.ac.nz:8081/WWW/ANZMAC2005/cd-site/pdfs/1-Advertising/1-Bellman.pdf. In the 2005 paper, the authors propose 5 research questions:

RQ1: What distinguishes heavy and light interactors with iTV ads?

RQ2: What are the most effective strategies and tactics for iTV ads?

RQ3: What situational influences moderate the effectiveness of iTV ads?

RQ4: How do viewers decide whether to click, and whether to continue clicking?

RQ5: What is the best way to measure the impacts of iTV ads?Each of these RQ is addressed by 3 students in Telecom 5990 seminar on Interactivity and the Future of television below (this posting is repeated below when I made the assignment).


RQ5: What is the best way to measure the impacts of iTV ads?

RQ5: What is the best way to measure the impacts of iTV ads?


Answer via comment with citations.

RQ4: How do viewers decide whether to click, and whether to continue clicking?

RQ4: How do viewers decide whether to click, and whether to continue clicking?

Maloy, Mcmillan, Mitchell

Answer via comment with citations.

RQ3: What situational influences moderate the effectiveness of iTV ads?

RQ3: What situational influences moderate the effectiveness of iTV ads?


Answer via comment with citations.

RQ2: What are the most effective strategies and tactics for iTV ads?

RQ2: What are the most effective strategies and tactics for iTV ads?


Answer via comment with citations.

RQ1: What distinguishes heavy and light interactors with iTV ads?

RQ1: What distinguishes heavy and light interactors with iTV ads?


Answer via comment with citations.

Interactive Television Advertising: A Research Agenda

This paper was presented to the ANZMAC 2005 Conference: Advertising/Marketing Communication Issues and is co-authored by Steven Bellman, Anika Schweda, and Duane Varan of Murdoch University in Western Australia.

The paper is available at more than one location online, but was accessed 17 September 2007 from http://smib.vuw.ac.nz:8081/WWW/ANZMAC2005/cd-site/pdfs/1-Advertising/1-Bellman.pdf.

In the 2005 paper, the authors propose 5 research questions:
  1. RQ1: What distinguishes heavy and light interactors with iTV ads?

  2. RQ2: What are the most effective strategies and tactics for iTV ads?

  3. RQ3: What situational influences moderate the effectiveness of iTV ads?

  4. RQ4: How do viewers decide whether to click, and whether to continue clicking?

  5. RQ5: What is the best way to measure the impacts of iTV ads?
Each of these RQ will be addressed by 3 of my Telecom 5990 seminar on Interactivity and the Future of television:

RQ1: RQ1: What distinguishes heavy and light interactors with iTV ads?


RQ2: What are the most effective strategies and tactics for iTV ads?


RQ3: What situational influences moderate the effectiveness of iTV ads?


RQ4: How do viewers decide whether to click, and whether to continue clicking?

Maloy, Mcmillan, Mitchell

RQ5: What is the best way to measure the impacts of iTV ads?


The paper offers citations of older articles which can be cited by newer research papers.


iTV Related Equipment

See http://gallery.avsforum.com/ for some examples of equipment that could be used for iTV.