
Video i-Pod TV Deals Buck U.S. Model of TV Use

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I'm impressed with Gavin O'Malley's article that just came into my mailbox. Before I had a chance to comment on the $2/show downloads to video iPods, Mr. O'Malley beat me to the punch, albeit with a different angle. Once again, what this model announced by ABC, CBS and Apple, flies against how Americans are used to getting their media content, which is subsidized by advertising. Ironically, Mr. O'Malley points out that the video I-pod users have the worst of all possible worlds by both 1) having to pay for content that is free in their homes and 2) having to suffer (yes, I did say suffer) through the advertisements while watching their PPV, formerly known as "free TV", show in tiny-TV.

Source: Rich Media Insider for Monday, November 21, 2005:
http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticle&art_send_date=2005-11-21&art_type=33 retrieved 21 Nov. 05.


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