
Unlimited Bandwidth at No Cost (c) 2007 Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein

"Information wants to be free" is so appropriate for the emerging new media world of 2007. New media are carving their paths simultaneously in an unprecedented rush to get content on the Web. It seems that there are video screens from around an inch squared (cell phones) to HDTV sets that keep growing. Video has moved into the automobile, something that was suggested in the past in a publication such as Popular Science. While the video began in the head rests for viewing in the back seat, there are now products that can be installed where the car radio normally resides. It seems likely there will be local ordinances and state laws that will prohibit these, although it's hard to imagine making outlaws out of those with GPS navigation systems in the front of their cars.

There is a direct relationship between video quality and bandwidth in which the video is transmitted. Already there are web sites with "free" live television channels, some with better quality than others. The genie is out of the bottle. Perhaps most of us will have our 15 minutes of fame when caught on video knowingly or not (i.e., surveillance).

The technology trend is toward unlimited bandwidth at no cost. The wider the bandwidth, the more video and other information can be transmitted through it. As for no cost, Americans generally like the trade-off between access to content at no charge while accepting advertising in its place. If such statistics were known, the percentage of newspaper web sites that charge for access are far outnumbered by those that don't and include advertising on their pages instead.

Scientific advances continue to improve compression methods while, at the same time, technological advances continue to offer wider and wider bandwidth. So I post this quip not knowing who said it first, but if you want to understand where emerging new media are going, think unlimited bandwidth at no cost.

You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2007, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos! Don't smite me, let me know!


At 06 March, 2007 13:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw on the news that the police forces in certain areas were going to be posting surveillance tapes to help identify criminals on YouTube! thought that was interesting....

At 14 March, 2007 09:39, Blogger Dr. K said...

Yes, it looks like it's finally 1984. Whatever your politics, there's no question in my mind that the Democrats will do more to protect personal privacy than the open-ended, throw the constitution to the wind Bush admnistration. I only wish U.S. media were reporting on this subject as much as other nations including the BBC.

At 18 June, 2007 20:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A long time has passed since your prophetic thoughts hit the web. Unlimited bandwidth at no cost, you say?

I discovered community wireless mesh networks, recently. The community wireless mesh network which acts as wireless infrastructure. It's missing the backhaul aspect, but, hey, it's all but free, otherwise.

Netequality.org likes assisting projects to implement wireless mesh network, aggregating across the network various backhaul connections, like DSL accounts, and setting the stage for commercial-free broadband capability.The netequality.org folks act like there's a billion user threshold that eliminates the need for backhaul. Doable? I think so. So, I say, you're off base. Think netequality.org!


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