Very Early Post-mortem on Election Coverage on the Web
Perhaps it is my mistake as one who can have video and audio playing while I go over to sites on the web, but MSNBC has slaughtered the competition in my location on my laptop. I have no reason to think my setup should have done anything to do with my MSNBC success (and it's playing in the background right now).
I tried to find "leaked exit polls" (at least one blogger begged those with the results to send them to him or her) before 5 PM and I didn't find them. The initial exit poll information was relatively benign because so many people seemed comfortable with the economy which sounded pro-Republican. The 6 of 10 who think things are not going well in Iraq didn't seem overwhelming.
So I have settled on MSNBC which, for those who don't watch, has been 24/7 on the election for the past 9 or 10 days.
Well, this has been about 2 staight hours of writing (not helped by bologger being up and down). Congratulations to MSNBC online, at least from this corner of the universe in suburban Atlanta.
P.S. Fast forward to 8:20 PM, does not have live video from the TV side, but they ARE doing a video stream of Fox News Radio "You Decide 2006." Rather weird, and I wonder how many people would bother with this. But, if you're an old radio guy like me, it's kind of nice to see a crowded radio booth. Obviously, to anyone who doesn't think Fox is really "fair and balanced," it will be interesting to see how Fox covers what some would assume is "bad news" from Fox's perspective.
You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2006, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos! Don't smite me, let me know!
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